
By caroken

?? (O-mamori)

A very good friend in Miyagi Prefecture sent me a beautiful card and lucky charm for St Patrick's Day.

O-mamori are amulets bought at shrines for different purposes - you can buy them for good luck in exams, good health, safe driving etc. This particular one is for happiness and good fortune and came from Chusonji Temple in Hiraizumi, a World Heritage Site in Iwate Prefecture.

Japanese people say that once an o-mamori has fulfilled it's purpose, it should be returned to the shrine it was purchased at for burning. Apparently they should also be replaced every year, with old amulets being taken to the shrine so that they don't carry any bad fortune through to the next year.

I really love the colours in this one and so thoughtful to pick it for St Patrick's Day. Looking forward to lots of happiness and good fortune! And a trip to Hiraizumi next year to replace it...! :)

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