An Fear Marbh: Dun Choin day 1

A meandering journey to Kerry, taking in an enormous pain au chocolat and coffee in Kenmare, a quick stop at the phoenix Café in Castlemaine to see the aunt of three children I used to teach in Shottery and then into the wilds above Inch Beach for the first well. This is the one Jim had beaten a path to and told me to get there quickly before it was enfolded back into the fuchsia. It was a beauty - the cross slab beautifully preserved, the well at its feet. I'm not saying much more about this - you'll have to wait or the blog! 
A check into out B&B, a wander to the local church (holy sanitiser!), more wandering down the montbretia strewn lanes, supper and then out again as the weather was good to visit St Gobnait's well on the cliff edge and gasp out at the beauty going on on the horizon. The view from here looks out across to the Blasket Islands, now no longer inhabited except for a full time custodian, and seasonal visitors. This is an Fear Marbh, the Dead Man, or  Inishtooskert, a distinctive and magnificent profile and now home to a massive colony of sea petrels. He's in an extra too and the building next to it was a school built from scratch for the film Ryan's Daughter - now an odd folly.

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