Journies at home

By journiesathome

Fire flowers

We've slipped from 37° in the shade down to 17.
Bernard stands pathetically by the river and lets sticks slip by.  We take to the hills, but even they feel glum.
I'm a winter child and know that a fire and some candles will do the trick.  The evenings are drawing in in any case.  Just get over and on with it.
Today we met a man who boringly said 'so much for global warming'. Mu elbowed me rather too violently in the ribs but enough to make me shut up.
Ascension is when the storms hit and break the summer.  The 15th of August is a little way off but weather patterns are a few weeks in advance.
Last week's heat brought the smell of Spain. Spain has always kept itself to itself behind the Pyrenees but seems to be breaking border controls.
Our candles are burning lopsidedly from both ends.  We've tipped into late mornings.  Evenings fast forward with music, probably too much wine and the rest, but the craic is good.
Virginia Wolf said a woman should have a room of her own.  Not sure what planet she was on, but we're in 2021 and it ain't happening.

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