Further my skills

By H0tamer

Улья́новский автомоби́льный заво́д

Never seen such a car. From a distance it looked like a Volkswagen Multivan Type 2 (T1). But only from the distance.
I went closer and found out that it is a Russian car. A УАЗ-452 (or if you can't read cyrillic; UAZ-452).
The car has nearly all you need. But don't expect the luxury of modern cars. As a matter of fact, one of the dealers in Germany said in an interview that he first needs to spend several hours to make the car presentable. But if you work really in the field, it suits better than the Defender.
The mirror in the thumbnail tells you that the car was made after 1999.

PS: the latest version has "Part-time 4WD"
Here is a link to the site of UAZ

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