A New Day

By ANewDay

Coming and Going

This was the scene this morning, with a thick layer of snow over everything. The car was snowed in again, so I walked to the Doctor's in a blizzard, getting top marks from him for my effort! By the time I walked home, it had changed to sleet and this has washed away a lot of the snow now. However, it's just started snowing heavily again, so who knows what will happen next? Never a dull moment with our weather!

I've been greatly entertained (and frustrated) by a new trick our visiting pheasant has learned. He can jump up to reach the fat ball ring feeder and help himself, but I could not for the life of me capture it on film! I tried every setting from Burst to Sport, but the ones that caught him in mid-jump were all blurred. The falling snow didn't help and possibly confused the camera too. Very funny to watch though!

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