Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Yellow Covid outbreak in Japan

It may be a Sunday but there’s still a huge amount going on here in Tokyo. Lionel has taken his “friend” Nigel out for a Sushi, which is apparently cold, slimy and fishy, which just about describes Nigel. 

Health Officials contacted the manager of the Little Yellow Men and Ladies team this morning with the dreadful news that there is a Covid alert for the team. Most have been returned to their personal Bubbles, those who have finished their events have literally been rounded up and placed in isolation; sadly four members of the team have succumbed to the virus, they have been placed face down to protect their identities, families and manufacturers have been informed. 

Incredibly, given the seriousness of the situation a small group tried to escape quarantine. Can you believe the “entitled” few? Once rounded up they were taken away to a recycling hospital care centre, where care was taken to ensure they were carefully melted down for recycling! That’s one way to deal with Social Justice Warriors. Melt them and bend them.

The four deceased will be placed in tissue, then buried in accordance with Shinto rituals. “When in Rome” etc.. 

The remaining team will be closely monitored and scrutinised by the IOC, that’s the Internal Orifice Club who volunteered immediately as this is a very unusual group for them to get their triple layered gloved hands on. 

As always, stay safe, keep away from little yellow people, which is extremely difficult bearing in mind our present location. 

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