A close shave!

This morning the walking group went from Trefonen.  It was a hilly walk which must have done me good!  It was a surprise to have to go through mud after so long walking on dry ground but it was by a stream.

My blip is a terrible photo so apologies for that but I had to include it.  As we walked along a lane, a skip transporter lorry came along.  As you can see, there was no spare space for us and we had to squeeze into the hedge to avoid being crushed.  If you look to the right of the lorry you will see two of our walkers in the hedge.

One of our walkers decided knew that it wasn't far to a junction where he could have passed us safely, so he walked in front of the lorry forcing it to go at walking pace.  This is turning into a series that we could do without.  I blipped another one here.

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