Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


JR went off to the gym, and I popped to Uncle A’s flat to tidy up, do the ironing and a washing and pop in on his neighbour who assisted yesterday.

Elizabeth came for a bonus Archie walk today, and we set off for a bit of culture - the Museum of Scotland’s ‘Galloway Hoard’ - incredible Viking treasure. It was a wonderful exhibition, well worth a visit. 

We then needed fancied a coffee, so walked to our newly discovered ‘Le Bistrot’ and had a cofee and, yes, a pastry. We both had a brain block and tried to describe our pastry of choice.

Those twiddly ones,’ I explained to the patient French waiter, while making little circles with my finger.

He looked puzzled for a while, but eventually he twigged - ‘Pain au raisin?’ 


How on earth could we forget that divine creation? 

From there I can check when the bus is coming and saunter out to the nearby bus stop on time. By this time the sun had come out and it was very hot! Town was mobbed - loads of people trundling about with suitcases. Good for businesses.

JR decided to take a wee walk down to the Grassmarket, where she accidentally had a double ice cream. Though not in Mary’s Milk Bar, where the queue was just TOO long.

I came home and watched a bit more cricket. 

Uncle A is comfortable and ‘chilled’. 

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