
The handle broke off my coffee cup at breakfast, flooding the table, splashing into the butter, soaking Mr Ws trousers and running onto the carpet. It was a lovely old mug from a Wedgwood collection called Sarahs Garden. Something left from my old life.

This lead to us deciding that perhaps a tiled floor in the dining room might be better as the carpet is pretty rot... its been down 10 years and seen Bella through toilet training!

This lead to Mr W coming with me to the shops to call into Carpet Right. He was convinced they would sell floor tiles!! I had to prove him wrong. This lead to us choosing a new carpet for the sitting room!! Next door was a tile shop. We chose some floor tiles!! Next door to that was Next where we bought a summer duvet as our old one has gone missing!! I'm sure its in the loft but i can't get the ladder down and Mr W can't see things unless they are right infront of his nose. Costa was in Next. We had a coffee date!!

My sewing machine kept jamming while I was trying to sew some velcro onto the baby car seat blanket I'm making. So I gave up and took Bella for a long walk. Mr W couldn't come as he hurt his leg pulling his motorbike onto its stand!!

What a day!

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