
On the bright side
My friend moved far, far away some years ago to a beautiful house with stunning gardens. It looked like a fairytale. She invited me to visit, but it was post-accident, and as sweet a concept as it was, there was no way I could drive four hours. It was an advance to drive 20 minutes to the metro. 

Now there is no question that I can drive the four hours to her house. This December I drove Karen 5.5 hours to her parents' house. 

Also on the bright side, (she's no longer in that house) I know I can sleep in my car because I've done it already. 

Also on the bright side, is that I can come at all - I asked if I could come but was very clear that I didn't want to be a burden. She said yes. 

Also on the bright side, she still has a wicked sense of humor. If you're going to die, I am absolutely the person you want to have visit you before you do.

Once Karen's grandmother Sophie was in the hospital and everyone rushed there (Karen drove 80 mph! In the middle of the night! For hours!). We got there and everyone was crying, except for Sophie and me. We winked and laughed and made jokes about the red noses. She couldn't leave until she had a high enough blood pressure reading, so I made faces at her while the nurse took the measurement and she stuck her tongue out at me. 

My boss is on vacation and I'm acting in her role for two weeks. I got through the first day and, so far at least, the country is still standing. Hope we make it through tomorrow. Cross your fingers. 

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