Mike Lincoln

By Linxpix

Potato Capsid ( Closterotomus norwegicus )

Done for tiny Tuesday Olympus 60 mm macro lens with 26 mm of extension tubes lighting Olympus STF-8 Olympus macro flash system.
For some reason I had bought a junior version of Naomi's birthday present, so we went to Tesco to exchange it, no problem and because the replacement was on a club card offer had a £10 refund :-)
I'm still ploughing through the weekend sports images ! Hope to finish the rugby tonight.
Looks like there will be a commitment by the city council to the Steampunk festival for the next 5 years :-) Plus looks like Newark will be having the free festival this year over the bank holiday.
I hope to get to Lincoln castle as Otto Von Chriek in a couple of weeks for a photo shoot, if you are not into Terry Pratchett's Discworld this would mean nothing !! but Otto is the local Iconographer (photographer ) as a vampire he has problems when his lighting system ( a light salamander ) goes off and he disintegrates ! there is a cure a vial of blood that he has around his neck !! need i say more, but should be a lot of fun :-)

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