The Big Golden Dog

By Cowlieowlie

A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking

Siege. Sorcery. Sourdough.

The book I am reading at the moment, recommended and lent to me by my cousin. It's brilliant, and completely loopy.

I am exhausted today after doing a full morning's cooking at the local Community Kitchen, which provides meals for older and lonely folk in the local area. Some meals are served in person, and some are boxed and frozen and delivered. This was my first day volunteering on the cooking team rather than the veg chopping team.

Freezing introduced me to the 'blast chiller' which is like the opposite of an oven. Also, pots more than a foot in diameter and a distinctly bent spatula from so much stirring of enormous amounts of food!! Cottage pie and meat loaf today. Tomorrow, macaroni cheese and quiches. But I am also the sort of person who loves cooking enough to come home and flop and then want to make dinner in the evening.

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