The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Little Flowers

This is the runt of our Orchids - this one has not flowered for a long long time and now after some repotting it is finally flowering. There are a load of buds on it so it is nice to see some blooming action.

I am so so done with this cold weather. It just feels never ending and it means all I want to do is curl up on the sofa with warming food and chocolate. In actuality I need to find some way to get some exercise and start to eat better despite this weather!

I am also reading an amazing book for book club - The Solitude of Prime Numbers. Already it has been quite emotional and upsetting which strange as it seems is normally, for me, a sign of a good book. Hmm maybe it's time to curl up in bed with the electric blanket on and have some reading time....

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