Berry nice

We inherited some raspberry bushes in our garden and I had decided that, should they bear fruit, the birds could have it. Well, it was so exciting to find two (yes, two!) ripe berries on the bush that I picked them straight away for myself.

In other news, we had the second part of the 3-part bat survey carried out last night. Three ecologists turned up in three vehicles and proceeded to stake out all sides of the house for three hours. From what they said, it seems that there are only roosting bats above Son1’s room and therefore, hopefully, the bit we want to have work done to will be okay...but we have to wait for the report. Once we have the initial one (which the architect chased today), the planning application can go in, subject to the findings of the third and final survey in a month’s time not throwing up anything else that would mean changes having to be made to it. Fingers crossed.

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