
Bunch of Berries
Berries by the Bushel
Berry many Berries
Blurried-eyed by Berries
Bumper crop of Berries
We picked and picked and picked. An overcast and cool day at Klock berry farm near Crown Point. They were so easy to pick, we picked our full membership that last year took two days.
Reminded me of the time, about 1987, when Eric and I picked tomatoes at a farm near Salem with the intent of helping my mom can them. The tomatoes were also so easy to pick, before we knew it we had picked 300 pounds. Then we all canned 75 quarts and loved every minute. We gave away lots of canned tomatoes. The only down side was that Mom and I disagreed on who actually bought the canner the year before. 
100 pounds of blueberries. Want some?

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