Views of my world

By rosamund


I started a new project at knitting tonight, but not the Catkin. I can't decide which yarn to use for it and I might have persuaded the girls into a knit along so I'll have company knitting the Catkin in April. The February knit along was a shawl called Daybreak, instead of casting that on though, I did another Stephen West design which was the Creekbed scarf I have just finished.

I'm a bit late starting but I thought it might look good in the blue alpaca and Corriedale homespun with the Noro I bought with som birthday money as a contrast for the striped section at the bottom. No doubt I will post it gain either as a work in progress or a finished object so you will see whether they work together or not.

My problem with Catkin is that it works best with 2 solid contrasting colours. I want to raid my homespun stash and see if I have anything that fits the bill but i doubt i have anything solid enough in colour. I know it's going to be a lot of work so yarn choice is crucial in making the most of the design. A bit more pondering required methinks (and maybe a trip to Old Maiden Aunt).

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