A daily habit

By janko

Road dust

Back home again, if only temporarily. Unpacking. Packing. Reflecting over habits that have died during this past year - or perhaps more accurately, that have been replaced.

I used to travel around the world with reckless abandon. The pandemic changed this, of course: but by staying in the country, I learned to love the joy of slow travel and the soul-cleansing silence of the wilderness.

I used to be an avid runner. The pandemic changed this, too, but in unexpected ways. Most of it I lost after buying a bicycle, which meant that most of my local travel also keeps me physically active. A small part of it was Blipfoto: I can’t bring a decent camera when running, or I’ll shake it to pieces. Which means I’ll often prefer walking or cycling, so I can take photos as well.

Next week is week 32. It is… special to me.

Need to pack.

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