The Wilsons

By WendyWooWilson

Happy International Cat Day

This is our moggy, Talon. We’ve had him since he was roughly 16 weeks old. A friend found him, advertised regarding finding a lost kitten but no one claimed him so we took him in. He was such a food thief, I assume as he didn’t know where his next meal was coming from. I remember eating a jacket potato, leaving the crispy skins to the last, and this black and white streak came flying past and nicked it off my plate! He’s ok with food now thankfully, 4 years on.
As usual, I got up this morning to a half eaten mouse in the hallway. He is such a hunter. Both food bowls have been emptied overnight, which is most probably down to another cat the in the village that likes to pop in to eat Talon’s food. Talon doesn’t bat an eyelid either. I have noticed I’m buying a lot more cat food than normal. Maybe once we get new door we will put a new cat flap in that will only let him in!

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