Big Hill

By bighill

The Flying Kite.

Up early this morning and packed up my wares to head down to Baddeck!   The Gallery that was called Victoria County Creates has been bought over by the woman who has been running it for the past 4-5 years.   It is now The Flying Kite - and this weekend was the Grand Opening.  Courtney invited me to set up on the porch for the event.  It was a glorious day, and we did some business and i had  lovely visits with various folks.   Home and a bit of quiet....boy maintaining the balance needed for my sanity seems to be a full time occupation :)

That's Linus and me in the was fabulous ice cream!!!

Lynne made an amazing curry for dinner....i've picked up a few tips from her, she is a great cook....and we settled down to watch My Octopus Teacher, which she hadn't seen, and even altho it was my second time watching it, it still was so awe inspiring.  Lynne was absolutely blown away by it!

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