Looking Back

Athletic Competition is always a mixture of spectacular highs and soul crushing lows. But isn't that what sport is all about? These AOG brought many diverse types of creatures together, a wonderful experience, for those who survived it! The Closing Ceremonies held here at the Kanapaha Stadium were in one word...Spectacular! Many a tear fell as the Athletic Teams entered the Stadium. In their possessions, hard-won medals to share with their families and supporters in addition to many, many memories.  This reporter's final AOG photograph is of Pelo of Team Pileated Woodpecker. As the youngest member of his team, Pelo is not only looking back at AOG21 but also Forward to Winter 2022 and Summer 2024!
A Special Medal Of Thanks goes to Debbi for her organizational skills, imagination, wonderful photography and witty writing. And many thanks to our Reporters and Judges from around the globe! Without you there would be, quite literally, no AOG!
I hope that you've enjoyed this reporter's photos and commentary. It has been an honor to share these games with y'all from the Gainesville, Florida venue! 

'There is something in the Olympics, indefinable, springing from the soul, that must be preserved.'
__Chris Brasher

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