Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Gated Community

Started my dreaded twice-weekly evening classes today, and so from here on out it'll be hard to get a blip in on Mondays and Wednesdays (my daytime's pretty full those days too).
I had already resigned myself to this fact, but now it's here I realize I'm a little bit hooked on blip, and relish the challenge of trying to grab a noteworthy shot every single day.
No doubt before long I'll be faced with that age-old blippers dilemma.
'do I leave today's entry blank, or blip a picture I don't really like just to keep the chain going'.
Time will tell.

After raving about spring just a couple of blips ago, it was truly arctic this evening, and I grabbed a few shots on my brisk walk home from teh bus stop.
Above is Chosun University back gate. The 'back gate' translates from the Korean hoo moon, and is used to describe a lively area often found next to or behind larger universities. They are interesting places, a smorgasbord of coffee shops (Korean students number one place to study), cheap restaurants, street food vendors and bars.
Such is the nature of these places, that those next to the larger universities are not only student hangouts, but also bona fide destinations for any one looking for a fun night out with friends.

See it in more detail large - and If you look closely, you might just make out this in the background.

Reminder time - Have you RIPugged yet?


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