Clarity / Next Step

Justin Timberlake - Suit & Tie

Today was a holiday. I slept for most of the day but upon waking, making the most of it was top priority. Went and bought 12 CDs today in preparation for an 80s gig in a couple of weeks which I'm very excited about. It's a much more accessible genre of music compared to house plus one that I'm not so versed in. Nonetheless, as a kid born of the 80s there was a bizarre nostalgic feeling going through albums and songs that were big a long time ago. Justin Timberlake's new album, The 20/20 Experience, also came out today which I bought. Although I was never really into him, knowing the style of music that he's producing, along with his production constituents, it's probably the better full commercial pop music around in my opinion. Buying a physical copy is a great feeling despite the many arguments against it in this modern age of music consumption. I'm halfway through the album and I'm genuinely enjoying it immensely.

Upon making the purchases, coffee and conversation with my friend, and for the laggards that we are, we researched into getting iPhones at the local Softbank outlet. Yes, we don't have smartphones! It's almost seemingly a choice NOT to have a smartphone these days. The conscious mental alignment of using it as a tool and not a fashion item is drawn within the self. Hopefully I can be mature enough to handle one of these items without succumbing to the pitfalls of narcissistic self-aggrandisement.

Pictured is a friend of mine whom I've had the priviledge of knowing for over two years. It was good chatting with her today, albeit for a short time. She's making big decisions and conscious life choices for the betterment of self. You can't help but simply admire and respect that. I suppose it's serendipity or simply my current choice of perspective that such people are surrounding me now, only to motivate me further to do, what I think, is right.

Breakfast set for tomorrow and a rich salad and beef stir-fry in the mix right now. Early morning start.

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