Lesser Burdock

Arctium minus.

This plant has many names. They include Beggar’s Buttons, Sticklebacks and Sticky Jack to name juat a few.
But in recent years it has a new name which is Velcro Plant. The inventor of Velcro reputedly got the idea from the seed heads of Burdock.
Look closely at the photo and you will see that every bristle has a tiny hook at the end.

They evolved, of course, to stick to the fur of passing animals or in more recent times to the socks and clothing of hikers. In this 
way the plant could spread to another location.

And of course you may recall childrens’ games of throwing the burs at each other.

For me the plant also brings back other childhood memories although I am not sure whether these extend beyond Britain. One 
of the most popular fizzy drinks of years ago was Dandelion and Burdock. In this case it was the roots which provided the flavour.

All this from a gentle walk in the Cumbria Wildlife Trust Reserve of Howe Ridding.

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