Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


Biatas. Irish

Betterave. French

Rote Beete. German

Barbabietola. Italian

Burak. Polish

Betys. Welsh

Peet. Estonian

Punajuuri. Finnish

Beterraba. Portuguese

Personally my favourite would be the Italian. It sounds like a footballers ‘name.

These are organic. Wash them well and grate them (including the skin ‘cos that’s where the nutrients lie) and make a dressing with gq olive oil, lime juice and my secret addition …. Half a teaspoon of Aldi’s Black Cherry jam. Eaten with 2 slices of toasted Juoda Duona (Lithuanian black rye bread with caraway seeds). Washed down with a mug of Barry’s Tae.

This is the Plat du Jour this evening.

I wanted to do the mm high key challenge, but I couldn’t understand what Mrs. Googley was telling me. So I went for a highly colourful blip just to brighten my evening

P. S. I hear Barbabietola is signing for for Paris St German. He’d have to change his name to Betterave


This tune was playing in my car wireless as I drove home. I like it

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