
By Saffi

Decisions decisions ....

We have been fortunate enough to have missed the heavy showers but we did get an inch of rain a day or so ago and the land is again saturated. Another inch coming our way on Thursday and Friday and the corn has got to be in the ground by 20th April. N and T have been debating what to do without using the plough and the decision has been made to buy another piece of machinery that will do the job: the only trouble is most of the other farmers are thinking the same way and there are only two left in this country of that particular make and they are in Norfolk and more or less promised to others. We would have to wait a month for the next delivery.

N then had the bright idea of telephoning the MD of the company in England with the result that our name is now on one of the cultivators in Norfolk and depending on when the transport is coming in our direction, we may be able to have it in a week's time! N phoned him back with our appreciation and to thank him for letting us have it. Good PR work on the part of the managing director!

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