
For the photographists amongst you, the Samsung lens has a 123° field of view, equivalent to 12mm on an old school 35mm film camera. Yes, I was very close to Brian*

I feel an affinity to this magnificent creature, totally relaxed in his environment, no doubt wishing he could be a little wilder.

A chance to get ahead in my studies today... but got distracted by helping nice neighbour and then a emergency repair to one of the raised vegetable beds (they've last 11 years so pretty good going).
This week we're studying ethics (of psychological research). I struggle with the concept of ethics in general if I'm honest. I can appreciate the historical context, and acknowledge there have been some (OK, a lot) of wrong 'uns, but it's not difficult.
Do the right thing.
Treat everybody equally regardless.

* I think he looks like a Brian but I fully support his right to be called whatever he likes.

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