
By MerlotsDad

Rollers & Cogs

Yet another picture of the old mangle which stands by our back door.
Didn't know what I was going to blip today - Merlot & I walked all around the garden tonight before ending up back at the door again...

Not a bad day at work today - lots of tidying up & deleting of emails ready for next week when I stop going in to County Hall. I also sent Ann the pictures I took of her on Red Nose day, which she was pleased with.

There were neighbourhood wars today when someone cut one of Peter's trees back very hard to the trunk without talking to him 1st. When he got home from work there was a letter throught the door telling him it would be done. Apparently the police were called but they more or less said hard luck. Peter is not happy & this feller continues to wind up various folk in the vicinity.

The weather was a bit dull & dreary today but no rain - very hot & stuffy in the office as is often the case.

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