A rose beside Woodlands Park Road

Had a brisk late afternoon walk from our new home in Woodlands Park. Interesting to see some of the neighbouring houses. One high above the road and facing the Manukau Harbour was all picture windows onto a deck the full width of the house. I expect that they have a view of the harbour to the south.

Spent the first part of the day unpacking what has been in storage. We are going to need to be smarter. Some of what was taken into storage isn't necessary. Right now I'm looking at on old iMac, the one on a round base. It probably has some things on it that one of us thought was important, yet it has not been needed or even missed for more than ten years.

We have to keep reminding ourselves that the sale was unconditional little more than two months ago. I would award this rose to S as she has kept things moving along very well .

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