
By Suzeee

All fired up

What is wrong with me so fired up today just waiting to have a go at anything and everything.
Had a good day at work then it all went a bit manic towards the end. Feels like everyone is going crazy at the minute including me.
Just wanted to sort out some simple paperwork this evening was it simple? No because I had to try and get the answers I wanted via an automated answer at the end of the phone. Why can't we humans just communicate with each other anymore why do we have to do it in any other form apart from actually talking to me.
Anyway a 10 minute job has turned into a couple of hours and did I get it all sorted? No not really.......
That's it rant over and I have given in for today and am off to bed in the hope that tomorrow I will awaken cool, calm and collected

Calm down dearest :)

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