Hello Lovely Blippers,

We have to admit that we felt a bit miffed yesterday when Mr. & Mrs. HCB’s Blip friend, Heidi, came to visit.  We loved seeing her, don’t get us wrong, but after they had all had lunch and chatted - and boy, did they chat - Heidi arrived at midday and she didn’t leave until almost 5 o’clock! - we did at least think that Heidi would bring her friends in to see us.  However, they were all chatting so much that nothing was even mentioned about her friends - and we know they were out in her camper van, Alfie, because she takes them everywhere with her. 

We had a little chat between ourselves and decided that if we couldn’t have a ride in Alfie then we would see if we could hitch a ride in Beryl, the camper van that belongs to Mr. & Mrs. HCB’s lovely neighbours, Lynn and Mike, because we heard them saying they would be going off for a little break. 

Mrs HCB had a lie in this morning, but just after 8 o’clock, we all went and had a wander around Beryl to see the best way to travel - we couldn’t decide whether it would be safer on the bike rack - see small photograph in the collage - or on the ladder that Mike uses to get up onto the top.  As Tiny fell off the bike rack and Hoggy found it hard to squeeze in, we thought the ladder might be the better option.

We have heard that Lynn makes great bacon rolls and lots of other good things too, so we are looking forward to being fed well while we are on our travels in Beryl with Lynn and Mike.  

Of course, we hope that the weather will brighten up because at the moment, it is quite chilly and it looks as if it might rain - but we know that Lynn and Mike enjoy doing crosswords and jigsaws, so there will be plenty to do whilst we are away.

Take care everyone and we hope this made you smile - we think that it would definitely have made Admirer giggle!  If Heidi is reading this, please don’t forget to bring your friends in with you next time you visit - and then we can all have our photograph taken together!  

With love from

JH Ted, Tiny, Snowy, Penny Penguin and Hoggy xxxxx

P.S.  Mrs. HCB has asked us to remind you that she will be closing her Donations page for her 100 Abstracts Challenge in the next week or so.  You will remember that she did this to raise awareness of the Mamie Martin Fund, which helps impoverished girls in North Malawi to obtain a good secondary school education. If you would like to sponsor her - and we all have - then do click on the link below.  Mrs. HCB says her total is now up to £932.50 and she would love to get to £1,000 soTIA, which in computer-speak means “Thanks In Advance”!

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