
Mountain Leader Training, exped day 2.

We swapped groups today, a chance for the trainees to see the same thing perhaps done differently.
We also played around swapping map scales, as usual that caused a lot of consternation lol.

The exped phase is about learning to put a journey together. Knowing when to focus, when to put the map away, how to add some extra bits of knowledge and interest.

Today whilst dry was exceptionally windy. I'd estimate some of the gusts as we skirted Swirl How to be in the upper 50mph region, it certainly made me focus, put some things into perspective for the trainees.

We also visited the memorial on Carr Crags. Whilst the rest of the group were older than me, An. was only 19, I thought it would be poignant for her to see how young those men lost to a terrible war were (the majority of the crew were under 21). That it turned out they'd been lost on her birthday made it all the more a moment to give thanks.

For most providers the exped part of training is two days and one night. Not for our trainees though.....

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