All's Well that Ends Well

Well, today was a bit of an ordeal (mainly because of the extreme heat), but with a happy ending.

We drove the two hours to La Codosera where the wagon family was supposedly camped, only to find they weren't, and the place was full of noisy city folk cooling off in the river. Mike and Lydie found a local who knew where they were (and gave us two watermelons), but quite a way off on a permaculture place. Eventually found them in an old house, "trying to stay alive" in the heat. Then had to decide what to do... 

Oriane found a place in a small village, La Rabaza, which would have a table in an hour or so, and Mike ferried us all there. Amazing food, with humongous portions, and lots of chat, and finding out that they had thought we were going last Saturday, and had waited for us all day by the river, wondering what had happened. As we'd been wondering why they hadn't been where they'd said. So good to have faith restored.

- these two families we love getting to meet each other
- Asha's generosity, giving her earrings to Aynalem, and then another pair to Tila when she got upset at not getting any
- sitting in the paddling pool when we got back until I got cool again

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