My UCI Update Journal

By maxicute

Sounds of the Universe

Today Depeche Mode came out with their new album "Sounds of the Universe." I loooove Depeche Mode though I don't love everything that they do, but I'm excited for this album because they're returning to their roots. Or so they say.

I'm writing a review of it for my college newspaper; this will be my first time as a staff writer so I'm getting paid for this article! To review a band that I love!

So as soon as it came out I went and bought it at the campus's local record store "Noize Music" or something equally weird sounding, even though it's way cheaper online. But I guess it was just a cool experience, similar to what teenagers of yore used to do when their band came out with a new album--go out and get it as soon as you can from the record store. When I went into the dark, incense-smelling store I went straight to the counter and said "Where are your new releases?" He pointed at the shelf and said "What are you looking for?" I said proudly, "Depeche Mode!" He told me that he hadn't put those out yet so I got a fresh copy :)

I can't wait to listen to it, but I'll have to wait a while because I'm very busy this week. But I'm so excited!

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