Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

A late morning downpour

The day began with the usual shades of gray; typical for a March morning in the Pacific Northwest. For a while, I even expected the sun to break through. It did a peek-a-boo routine, then retired altogether.

Without warning, someone threw a switch and rain pounded down relentlessly, heavier than I've seen in a long time. It was a refreshing change to have such a loud, vigorous downpour. Rain that meant business. I like how the slower shutter speed was able to catch the dance put on by the droplets as they crashed to the deck. Click here and enjoy this haunting Chopin prelude, aptly named "Raindrops", and imagine yourself standing in the midst of this downpour, the water running through your hair, down your face and neck.

NOTE: You can press the "L" on your keyboard for an enlarged view.

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