
This morning CyclopsJnr reacquainted himself with his Lego and marble maze.

Soft touch MrsCyclops also gave CyclopsJnr a new Bakugan today, as she had seen one in a shop window in Inverness and knew it was one CyclopsJnr really wanted. So we played with the various Bakugan also.

After lunch we went swimming, which was exciting because - no covid restrictions! No need to book and no time limit! We stayed longer than the hour just because we could.

Starbucks after. For some reason CyclopsJnr likes to play on the Scrabble app in Starbucks, so MrsCyclops is subtly encouraging this.

Home to play out in the street with friends before tea.

And a quick haircut after.

Just one final day of the summer holidays still to go.

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