I slept in the hallway last night as the bed Est and I were sharing was the smallest double I have ever seen. It was so squashy and I was dying of heat, so I just opted for the floor outside.

We had breakfast (I had one of those mini cereal selection pack things that make you feel like you're camping), feed back meeting on forum and SE w/e away - which got very intense, coffee break, Andrew did his final talk, worship, lunch and a mass tidy. Est gave us a lift home and came for a cup of tea and a look round our house.

I had a half hour nap before going to Ingrids. Man I'm tired. On the way and old woman stopped me to double check it definitely was wednesday, she was getting confused about bin days. Ingrid and I spent forever picking songs for cu and playing them and then changing them. My fingers hurt already before even playing at cu.

Richard gave us a lift and we set up, practised with Richard and Joel, then played at cu. Cu was set up a little different today and I think it worked quite well. My hand is actually dying now though, I think I've played guitar for about 6 hours today.

Now for a hot chocolate and sleep.

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