
By XSworld

Taste of honey..

To make honey thee bees first drink nectar from any plant and then mix it with enzymes (which break down the sugar in the nectar into simple sugars) in their mouth, before storing the cocktail in the socalled "honey stomach" on their abdomen. When the bees are back to the hive they start dehydrating the cocktail by moving it around in their mouth and then they deposit it into the hexagonal cells that make up the hive. The house bees will then fan their wings over the deposit to remove even more water from the honey. When they are happy with the results the deposit is capped with wax. The honey has got antimicobial properties and will seemingly stay unspoilt forever. The world's oldest honey was found in 5500 years old ceramic jars in the tomb of a noblewoman near Tblisi in Georgia. Apparently it was still edible, although I don't think anyone could have convinced me to taste it! I normally buy the thousand flower honey and have it in my tea every morning, but I wonder what honey made with basil nectar (like the one on the photo) would taste like!

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