Totally Kimmish

By kimmiekims


Our sweet wee Arfur passed away today. He was the most sweet and well behaved wee gentlebun, he had such a good nature. He loved his treats, every time Lewis came into the room he would run up and put his paws on his feet until he got one. He was so fussy though, he would quite often turn his more up at the first one you gave him, it had to be just the right treat. He used to be good pals with Hubert and I think he missed having a buddy to snuggle with. Hubert was the centre of that wee group and you would find Hubert, Arfur, Lafawnda, and sometimes Q all snuggled together. He was almost 10, he just had 1 month until his birthday. We weren’t sure he’d make it this far, so he really did amazingly well, I’d just hoped he get to his birthday.

He seemed to respond to his treatment on Friday and he had started eating a bit on his own. We had him at the vet again on Saturday and Monday, but despite this he sadly took a turn over night and passed away this morning. I had been sleeping in the same room as him, and sat with him for an hour at 3am. I put him down one he got fed up of my fussing and he got tucked into a massive piece of broccoli. Lewis and I were both with him at the end. We aren’t sure of the cause, but last October Arfur was diagnosed with an Apocrine Gland Adenocarcinoma, a very small lump on his side which never really grew much at all. Unfortunately we do not know if there were any metastasises, and that could have been the cause of his severe hypoglycaemia on Friday. We gave him the best possible chance to get back on his feet, but it just wasn’t to be.

I am really going to miss this wee man, my handsome wee Arfur Handsome-pants. I love you my sweet boy. x

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