Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Morning's Arrival

5:55 a.m. -- Mr. Fun beckons me to step out onto the upstairs deck to look at the coming morning.

5:56 a.m. -- Stepping back in to get my camera.

6:00 a.m. -- Still staring East. These are the first morning clouds lit with color that we've had in a long time.

6:15 a.m. -- Back inside and down the stairs to mix a bowl of kibble for Bob dog while Mr. Fun makes me a mini-press pot of chocolate coffee. Yum!

6:35 a.m. -- Back upstairs for a shower, a tooth brushing, a spray of cologne, a tad of deodorant, a touch of make-up, an outfit for the day, and a brush through my hair.

7:30 a.m. -- Gather laptop, bag of cameras, rollie bucket of instructor/student paperwork put all in trunk of car.

7:40 a.m. -- Get me in the car.

7:45 a.m. -- Kiss Mr. Fun goodbye as I inch my car out of the garage toward the street. Once in the street, I wave, blink one turn signal light and then other till right before rounding the corner and a quick honk of the horn as final goodbye for the day. And the race is on!

7:55 a.m. -- Parked the car, got my rollie cart/bucket with everything loaded into it, and moments later unlocked office door and entered. Grabbed textbook, handbook, quizzes, Scantrons, handouts, and head for classroom on the other side of the campus.

8:03 a.m. -- Unlock classroom door. Flip light switch on. Welcome students. Unload rollie cart.

8:10 a.m. -- Begin class

10:20 a.m. -- Class ends (lots between the begin and the end)

10:30-1:40 -- Writing Center duty

2:00 p.m. -- Department meeting (very short; woohoo)

2:35 p.m. -- heading for car to get home to have late lunch/early dinner with Mr. Fun before we both go different directions for evening obligations.

2:55 p.m. -- Home! Whew! Kiss, kiss, hug, hug. "Let's go eat; I'm starving!"

3:05 p.m. -- Out the door going to a favorite little Mexican food restaurant for a quick, inexpensive bite to eat. He had carne asada tacos. I have shredded beef enchilada and refried beans. Yum!

4:02 p.m. -- Back home. Brush my teeth, brush my hair, and back to the campus for an observation of an evening class and evaluation of a colleague.

7:05 p.m. -- Students are given a break and I'm gone! Headed for home. Mr. Fun is gone but Bob dog is waiting patiently for someone to come home.

9:00ish -- Wondering what to blip and how to explain this day. I'm sooooo tired. Too tired. After one lovely week of spring break I'm trying to find my groove and settle in for the remainder of the semester. I've got spring fever at about 104.8 degrees. Honest, I love my job. I just love time off even more.

9:30 p.m. almost -- I'm tapping "preview" and then "publish."

Before I do, I want to express my thanks all over again that Blipfoto is allowing me to record this day. I'm thankful for pink sky in the morning, for my old but wonderful car, for my job/career, for food to eat, for two cameras (I'm still learning to use), for this laptop, for Mr. Fun who is now home from his gig, for Bob dog, for the ability to read, write, and give thanks. And for piggies that will soon be painted.

Good night from a very HOT Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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