#3 Bettisfield Moss

At the centre the grid ref is roughly SJ 482 353.

Bettisfield Moss is one of three mosses that make up a NNR which straddles the English/Welsh border. I love these vast spaces and having spent 6 weeks working in and around the reserve last year I now like them even more. Just the sheer acreage means that there is a huge diversity of life in all formats. Hobby's and Cuckoos are often around, hundreds of dragon and damsel flies appear in summer and lots of rare species of plant thrive in the bog.

I am though pretty much sure to a lot of people it is probably simply too big and bleak (the 3 combined weigh in at around 2350 acres), this does also make it a little difficult to capture. But this view from the centre captures maybe 1/8 of this particular Moss. At the back within the line of trees is the Llangollen canal.

Apologies as this is most definitely going to be a long series, at this rate I will be in my dotage by the time I am in the 30's!

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