Afternoon at Wicken Fen.

Afternoon at Wicken Fen.
Sue, Eloise, Imogen and I visited Wicken Fen Nature reserve today.
The staff at Wicken Fen (National Trust) are so good. 
To start, they had created a 'Butterfly Trail' through the woodland walk with letters at each butterfly that when deciphered spelt a word.
Then to top that we were greeted by a very enthusiastic volunteer that certainly got Eloise fired up to hunt for butterflies.She told us that once we had the word we were to come back and whisper the word to her as it was a secret and maybe there would be a reward.
Eloise deciphered the word and reported back and her and Imogen got a badge.
Most enjoyable Plus I bought myself some Jelly Beans - can't be bad :)

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