
Cataract: Pathology Opacity of the lens or capsule of the eye, causing impairment of vision or blindness.

To be honest it's been a pig of a day.

1. This dear cat, Sparky who has starred in my blips all week, was involved in a fight with a fox in the early hours of the morning. I was alerted by the 'barking' of the fox right outside my bedroom window, then the sound of the catflap as Sparky entered the portch, The fight that ensued sounded horrendous, I shouted , slammed the window clapped, whistled, and the fox still tried to enter and still Sparky defended his territory. The fox retreated under the hedge hissing loudly - a sound I've never heard before - so I went down to chase it away. And the dog? She who usually guards us, made no noise at all.

2. On the way to mum's this morning, to check she was ok (see point 3) there were 2 Shetland ponies trotting along the lane. Recognising them I felt obliged to stop, help catch the cheeky little chaps and try to return them to their owner who was still making zzzzz s

3. The germinator at mum's ran out of diesel last night leaving her 4 hours with no light or heat before the tanker arrived to refuel it. The engineer came as it had to be restarted with jump leads and the fuses reset. This morning the 'computer' send another tanker to top it up. There has been no mention of the actual repair taking place. So I made a couple of strongly worded phone calls.

4. This afternoon a young 'boy' of a manager from the Electric company came and took photos on his phone and paced out the distance that a trench will be dug. And when I asked 'when?' he said it could even be done by the end of next week.... Ah a rush job then?

5. I have a stinking, snotty cold and cough - which I wouldn't normally moan about, but I have booked a last minute skiing holiday leaving tomorrow. It's taken me 3 months to save the money and all I feel like doing is sleeping (and to stop coughing!) I'm not even thinking about the snow that is forecast disrupting the journey!!!!

If you've read all that you will probably be relieved that I will not be blipping while I'm away, but I'll catch up with you all over Easter.

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