A trip to Leeds, and while Mrs K, P & R & M & O & L we’re booked into The Ivy for afternoon tea I wandered through the City & managed to squeeze into the Sculpture Museum for an entirely different feast. There was an exhibition of portable sculpture. I’d never thought about it before but the idea behind it featured sculpture that was deliberately designed to fold down, be flat packed, or was made whilst on the move. Some has been inspired by refugees, hence the picture …. 

Leeds is an incredible city. It is full of creativity, full of life, full of energy, full of people and, at the moment, full of dinosaurs. Here’s a quote lifted from the remarkable Corn Exchange;

Our path shapes our future. 
Block by block we build firm foundations that turn into sky scrapers. 
From humble beginnings, big ideas, visions turned into real life features. 
We are the makers, we are the creators, dream big, surpass your margin. 
It all stops when you stop moving. 
So keep on grinding. 
Live how you dream. 
Dream how you want to live. 
You can. 
I can. 
We all can. 
It all starts with your imagination.

And at the end of my wander I finished up at The Ivy and managed to Hoover up any remaining cakes …. So it was a double feast day for me. 

We’ll be back. 

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