Travelin’ Band

Emergency blip time tonight. It’s been a full on day and at 10.30pm, I’ve just returned home from a band rehearsal. The only photo I’ve taken all day is this one of my guitar and amp set up for tonight, grabbed whilst we had a quick break.
An early start in Chester this morning as we rushed around doing last minute jobs before heading home. One job I didn’t want was dealing with a leak from the toilet cistern. I’d noticed a couple of drops yesterday, but put it down to condensation. Closer examination reveals there is definitely a leak from where the cistern is bolted to the pan. No time to investigate further today, so water turned off, cistern emptied and a bowl put underneath the source of the leak. Should be ok now until we’re down again and can get the plumber round.
No sooner had we arrived home than we shot out again to the supermarket, to do the weekly shop. Then it was lunch, followed by a trip to the gym. That actually went well, but there was no time for self congratulation as I had to head off straightaway to Barrow for the rehearsal. Due to a clash at the normal rehearsal room, we had to switch to a different venue, day and time this week. But it did force me to use my own amp, which was no bad thing as I hadn’t really played it in anger since buying it. Setting the EQ at 12 o’clock across the board gave a pretty good tone, so only minor tweaking should be required before the gig.
A pretty good run through of most of the set, but there are still a few bits I need to work on. Fortunately, Stuart is not at work tomorrow so it will be back to Barrow in the morning for a fine tuning session. I’m hoping next week is going to be slightly less frenetic - we are, at least, staying in Kendal so that will help.
And thus concludes these random thoughts about today. Totally knackered and off to bed now. Night night everyone.

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