Tractor Thursday.....

A dry start , so after collecting Mrs F’s car from the local garage ( forgot about it yesterday as busy baling straw ! ) I headed off to bale the silage that Kev was rowing up. Had 120 bales done by 1 pm so stopped and left Kev carting and wee brother wrapping. I could have baled it all , but they need wrapped fairly quickly once baled to keep the air out so they don’t spoil. Hopefully will get the rest done tomorrow. I reckon there will be about another 70 bales.
Dropped the baler off , hitched the fert spreader on the tractor and spread some nitrogen on the newly sown ground we are getting back from the sand quarry . It was a bit of faffing round for 1.5 Ha but needed done. Then had to power wash the spreader and tractor as fertiliser is very corrosive .
Was going to bale some more grass after tea, but as soon as I thought it the drizzle started . Ho hum.
On a different note, thanks for all the comments on my 2500 Blip birthday. Didn’t even remember it was !

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