Costa again

Jim informed me casually on the way out that he wasn't coming home (the nut maintains he has been 'killed by monsters') tonight so faced with another rainy day 12 hours at home, and feeling less sick than before,I did what any good parent would do and took the nut on the bus to town to buy the tiny spiderman that he saw two weeks ago and hasn't shut up about since (and a present for Mr Jim, despite his despicable behavior) thus wasting a good few hours and keeping the Nut happy most of the rest of the day blasting baddies with imaginary webs. He's never seen Spiderman to my knowledge (maybe the nursery curriculum is more comprehensive than I thought) so I have no idea where he got his comprehensive spidey-knowledge but I think it may be genetic as he was also my favorite super hero at such an age (my mother has amusing tales of how my sister and I forced an elderly population to watch the seminal TV series at a holiday camp, much to their dismay) .

I have access to the cartoons on my kindle so we enjoyed watching that together and discussing the implications of the violence afterwards. I'm secretly looking forward to the next episode.

Ps he got a green goblin figure in Spider-Man, and declared that he was Spider-Man, I was the 'pretty lady' (and addressed me such all day) and daddy was the 'green goblet'

Justice is served.

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