
By madowoi

Seawall Moon

I've tried the new moon tilted in the air
Above a hazy tree-and-farmhouse cluster
As you might try a jewel in your hair.
I've tried it fine with little breadth of luster,
Alone, or in one ornament combining
With one first-water start almost shining.

I put it shining anywhere I please.
By walking slowly on some evening later,
I've pulled it from a crate of crooked trees,
And brought it over glossy water, greater,
And dropped it in, and seen the image wallow,
The color run, all sorts of wonder follow.

The Freedom of the Moon, by Robert Frost

Spent a good part of a hot and humid day making a birthday cake for Joe, which I'm pleased to report was yummy. Went walking through the campground as it cooled down in the evening and had a nice view of the moon rising over the water. On the way home we got pulled over by a park ranger because one of our headlights was out. I told him we left it hanging over the ocean behind us.

Ok no I didn't. We expressed surprise and gratitude, vowing to get it fixed immediately, just like we did upon getting pulled over on the way home a couple of weeks ago. Looks like maybe we really should get that taken care of. 

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