
Wow guys I am chuffed to bits with the response to my robin blip on Tuesday. Really, really chuffed. So chuffed that I was unable to take a blip yesterday! Well actually I spent the day in a variety of cars on a convoluted trip to Blackburn and wasn't really inspired, tho the amount of birds soaring over the motorway (presumably by a landfill site) were pretty impressive.

The blackbird was awaiting me this morning. Now I know, that birds don't get cold feet in the way we mammals do, but she is definitely saying to me "my feet are flippin freezing!" with one foot tucked up in her feathers to keep it warm!!!

It was another frosty and bitterly cold day, Spring is in no hurry to arrive in this part of the world. We have had some new arrivals to the feeder - a bevvy of beautifully colourful siskins. I'm hoping to get a better photo of them soon. The wren was utterly flighty and the robin says he's not getting out of bed to model for less than 50 mealworms.... I'm sure given the weather forecast for the coming week there'll be plenty more opportunities to take his photo.

Did I mention how thrilled I was with all the stars? A warm feeling amongst these cold winds. Keep wrapped up folks.

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