Seven Wonders

Last time I “saw” these swans was in dunkyc’s blip of Jun 14th. At that time, I wondered how many of the seven tiny cygnets he had snapped would survive the summer. The portents were not good - last year the swans hatched four cygnets and only three survived to adulthood.
So I was delighted to see all seven had not only survived but grown to the sort of size that will make them less of an easy target for predators. Still haven’t got their adult plumage though and they weren’t straying far from mum and dad.
Definitely the highlight of this mornings walk and coffee. My tendon is feeling a lot better after three weeks of rest but I don’t think I’ll attempt a run for at least another week or so. A decent walk might be on the cards though as good weather is forecast for the next ten days.
That’s if I can find time in between all the practising for various activities. Only a few of us at the play rehearsal this afternoon means we need to squeeze in an extra one mid week. And I’m not sure how much band practice can be achieved before next Sunday’a gig. Not enough is probably the accurate answer but, if we can have a decent run through on Tuesday, then there is a good chance it will turn out ok. Though I might need a session with Stuart to tie up a few loose ends. And a couple of afternoons on my own memorising all the new tunes I’ve been trying to learn for the past couple of weeks. Or, at the very least, making crib sheets with a note of the major chord changes for each song!
And all that presumes I can get through tomorrow’s big ordeal unscathed. The six monthly dental check up has come round alarmingly quickly. The last visit resulted in three fillings and there was concern about a couple of other teeth that were showing incipient signs of decay. I hate going to the dentist with a vengeance but I know it’s a necessary evil. Roll on lunchtime tomorrow as it will definitely all be over by then. Though I may not actually be able to eat any lunch…

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