A Better Day

A sunny blue morning. The Current Mrs Creel shot out of bed and walked round past Swanbister.  When she returned, I was still gathering her empties from the night before.  But when breakfast was past we were under a bank of haar stretching from Heligoland to the front doorstep of No 12, Suduroyavegur, Torshavn.  The HQ windsock hung limply, haar drifted in and out (for that is in its Job Description) being very fickle.

At midday it all burned back to a glorious blue very warm day,  I cleaned gutters, did some painting, cut the grass etc and CMC continued the makeover of the bothy by painting the inside. 

Chloe and Peter paid a visit.  Haven’t seen them for an age.  I thought I remembered saying to them ‘the next time you’re passing through Orphir, keep going’.  Peter sat on the bench and enjoyed two esoteric drams.

Jackie DeShannon is 80.

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